Pauline Chilton

Pauline Chilton

February 16, 1960 - April 18, 2011

Pauline Chilton

February 16, 1960 - April 18, 2011


Pauline was born on February 16, 1960 in Newcastle, England. She was the daughter of Phil and Rita Chilton and the younger sister of Valerie and Anne. She grew up in the Newcastle area where she excelled at sports and became a top fashion model at age sixteen. From sixteen to age 21 she shuttled between Newcastle and London pursuing her modeling career.

The Chilton name is also significant in American history as the first person to step onto Plymouth Rock from the Mayflower was a fourteen year-old-girl named Mary Chilton. Pauline’s side of the Chilton family decided to stay in the United Kingdom. In 1980, Pauline decided to follow her ancestors to America, and despite having no job, no money, and not knowing anyone she arrived in Orange County, California.

In the next ten years, Pauline established herself as a prominent resident of Orange County. She continued her modeling; taught fashion at Fullerton College, as well as taught etiquette to both adults and children. Additionally, she helped establish the ‘Days of Taste’ initiative for the American Institute of Wine and Food AIWF, a program designed to teach etiquette to fourth graders. In her spare time she sold real estate and became a good friend to countless ladies. And, she became one of the most accomplished shoppers of women’s clothing in America. Pauline was also an accomplished painter, but refused to exhibit her work.

On September 10, 1990 she taught an etiquette class at the Robert Mondavi Cultural Center in Costa Mesa, California–one of her students was Sal DiMascio. He brought her an apple after class and on September 10, 1995–exactly five years later, they were married. Pauline continued her various careers on a part time basis, and she and Sal collected art and traveled the world for the next fifteen years. Pauline and Sal visited her beloved England often each year, and her family also made many, many trips out here to see her. Pauline also became a U.S. citizen. Pauline and Sal claimed that they were on their honeymoon for their entire marriage.

In 2010 Pauline founded ‘The Pet Club,’ a woman’s charitable organization devoted to raising funds for the San Clemente-Dana Point Animal Shelter. This organization will continue and has been renamed ‘Pauline’s Pet Club,’ in her honor. Donations may be made to the Pet Project Foundation benefitting the animals of the San Clemente-Dana Point Animal Shelter, 949-492-1617 or to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 714-957-9157.

Pauline’s most important achievement was to become a dear friend to almost everyone she was friendly with. She was Sal’s best friend. She was a force of nature who will be missed.

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52 responses to Pauline Chilton

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  1. Sandy Asheim says:

    No one who ever had the good fortune to meet Pauline will ever forget her. That lovely voice, the ever present smile on her face – she lit up a room the moment she walked in. Sal was the love of her life – spending time with them was always joyful, memories that we treasure. We lovingly called Pauline “Miss P” – she was the essence of a lady. We dearly miss her.

  2. It was with deep,deep sadness we learned about Pauline’s illness and passing. Although we hadn’t seen or talked with her for several years, she was one of the brightest stars on the planet or around it. She lit up the room when she entered and always, always had a kind word for everyone there… She will be sorely missed by all who were fortunate enough to know her personally.

  3. Jim Gray says:

    In so many ways, throughout her life, Pauline was both an artistg and a pioneer. She came to this great country on her own, following her great ancestors. And she taught etiquette to everyone she encountered, especially the love of her life, Sal. And also to the rest of us.

    We love you Pauline, but you will always be a part of each one of us.

  4. Pauline was a woman full of goodness and shining lights. The world will be a darker place without her.

  5. I am still struggling trying to find words to express how I feel.You were my friend for almost 30 years and to now think that you are not here is almost unbearable.
    I know how much you suffered in the last weeks of your life and I don’t want to dwell on that as I know that you are now free of pain and at peace. I shall just try to focus on the wonderful times we shared as lifelong friends and the wonderful memories that I have of you. I hope that you knew how much I treasured our friendship and how much you meant to me. Your fortitude and courage throughout your illness was inspirational.
    God Bless You dear Pauline, may you have eternal rest in God’s arms.

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